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Welcome to the Homepage-Building-Help !!

I will, on this page, try to show you how easy it can be to create a personal homepage, and what you have to watch for. If you follow this step-by-step, I can promise you that you've got a homepage within a week or two!

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The first things to do

First of all, you have to know what your website should contain. When you know the content, it's good to sketch up on a paper how the website should look like ( with or without frames, colors, graphics, etc.). Make a couple of sketches a pick the one that suits you best!

The next step is to get a couple of almost necessary programs. It's programs that can be very useful when creating a website. The programs I'm talking about is Paint Shop Pro 4.12 (shareware) and Microsoft FrontPage Express or Claris HomePage 1.0 or any other WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) based HomePageBuilder. The WYSIWYG helps you so that you don't have to have experience in HTML-programing. Here's a short description of the programs.

Paint Shop Pro 4 (shareware version) - If you want to add some nice pictures or maybe a self-made background to your homepage, this is a very good program. It can handle almost any format. You can find it by ! Other graphic-programs are Tek Gradator (for nice backgrounds), Animagic (for animated pictures).

Microsoft FrontPage Express - This is a free and simplyfied version of the powerful Microsoft FrontPage. Anyone can use this. You can download it by

Claris HomePage - This is little more powerful than the FrontPage but it demands a little more training. You can download it by

The design

The second step is to create the website. An important thing to think of is the design of the website. For instance, if you want to have a light background-colour you should have a dark text-colour and vice versa.

Another thing to think of is the frames. I prefer websites without frames. Why?, well, it doesn't take so long time to download them, and it can very easy be a fine mess of the whole site when using too many frames! (I know that from my own experience!)

A very important thing is the navigation possibilties. You can make a very easy "navigation field" as I have done at this page (see bottom of page). You can also use frames for making a "navigation-bar" (to the left or at the top). You should always have a link back to the main or index page, on every of your pages!

Remember ! If you don't have a WYSIWYG-editor, it can be difficult to build a page with frames!


Things to remeber when creating a HTMl-document. If you never before have created HTML-documents, then remember this;

If you put a <tag> in the document you also have to put an end of the tag ( </tag> ). For instance, if you want to create a table in the document the first thing to put in is:

<table border="?" bordercolordark="?" bordercolorlight="?"> 

Where the ? is you should put first, the thickness of the table-border, second and third, a colour-number. (#000000 is black and #FFFFFF is white)

Find a mailserver and a website host !

Now when you've created your homepage you have to find someone that can host your site. Remember that the host have to suit you and not vice versa ! If you need CGI-script you should of course choose a host who has that support, if you want to create your own CGI-script choose a host who gives you access to the CGI-folder (I don't think there are any FREE website hosts who gives you access to the CGI-folder !). Below I have a list over some mailservers and website hosts. I have also a more detailed list over website hosts.

List over best mailservers and website hosts

Here's where you can get a free in-box.
Here's where you can get free web-space.

A more detailed list over website hosts

Click here to see a more detailed list over website hosts!

Click to see detailed list !


Follow the steps below to get a homepage!


Other things.

I wish you good luck with your homepage building !

If you have any questions about this subject please mail them to me. I hope that I have an answer.

Soon coming up!

Soon you will see these new things here:

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Go 2 the JAVA page   Go 2 the Detailed List of Website Hosts !

[email protected]


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